well, a week after download my comedown finished so i celebrated by getting properly drunk last night... which was fun.
the pub is being sold, which was fun news to come back to after download. although i am seriously considering seeing if it would be viable to buy it, most likely with my mum. which if we can gather the money (i have a few ideas where from) would be extremely cool, a huge resposeability but then it is about time i did something with my life and i can think of worse ways to make a living than running a pub/club that i really do quite like and have plenty of ideas to push it further with alot more work in the short run and long run but then making a living is never easy.
the pub is being sold, which was fun news to come back to after download. although i am seriously considering seeing if it would be viable to buy it, most likely with my mum. which if we can gather the money (i have a few ideas where from) would be extremely cool, a huge resposeability but then it is about time i did something with my life and i can think of worse ways to make a living than running a pub/club that i really do quite like and have plenty of ideas to push it further with alot more work in the short run and long run but then making a living is never easy.
and if you wanna get away, I'm hoping to get out to Malta again (prob same time next year). Not too sure how much it'll cost, but it'll probably be around 150 for a week if you're interested. It's just an idea I'm looking at, gonna see how many people are interested before making plans.