So after a quick pint in the Worlds End (it was the 6/6/6
) me and luke trundled off to see A Silver Mt. Zion at Camden Palace the Koko, who were rather good. not too sure about the support though, they seemed a like a bunch of elitist kids trying to be a post-rock band which ammusing as it was, was a bit boring. so we trundled back to sunny farnborough by route of the slowest train known to man then a bus where the driver didnt know where he was going... which was fun. and now, a new day has arrived and this day brings Download! huzzah! we shall be leaving soon and the fun filled birthday celebrations shall begin a proper.
see you on the other side... hopefully.

see you on the other side... hopefully.
I'm just curious, but it looks like i took this photo in the RIP Campsite?
Im up for a drink sumtime, just need to get my new bank card through to replace the one I lost at the fest
oh, and I could do with getting some cash aswell, my accounts still not looking too healthy, even after getting paid!!