too much booze this weekend... as someone said "dude, that's entering 'abuse' teritory" all i can say is, i like booze, it makes me drunk. not always a good thing though...
tho on the upside, umm... there was something...
ahh, skips, thats it. i like skips, don;t think i've had them sice i was about 7 or something, found some in the garage... as in petrol station, not my garage.
tho on the upside, umm... there was something...
ahh, skips, thats it. i like skips, don;t think i've had them sice i was about 7 or something, found some in the garage... as in petrol station, not my garage.
Wow you're young! He's ike 45 or something...And has shorter hair I guess.
hey i wanted to thank you for all the help in the "petty video game question post" you really helped me out