Hi lovelies, I'm finally able to write a blog for yous all. I've been away from my house a lot lately which has meant no blogs or posts or any of the fun things I do on SG but I just bought a Google nexus so now I can join in around here again!
I'm super happy about how my set is going, not pink yet but the comments and wee hearts have been great so I'm still really pleased.
I'll take a few pics for you soon too. I'm getting my new bed tomorrow so doubtless I'll want to like, writhe about on it and stuff :p and take some pics.b
See you all soon,
For the next little while, yes.
I kinda sorta need a new bed myself, i've been sleeping on futons for many years and im thinking about getting a proper grown up bed as my back get a wee bit sore now days. Maybe some kind of bed hybrid is in order as i do like the look of a futon but also i like the comfort of a ''proper'' bed.