Hi :)
My set has been out 4 or 5 days now and the response has just been so lovely. I've been trying to write a blog to you guys for a couple of days but I guess I'm not great at taking good feedback. :p
When it went up I would have been happy with 500 wee hearts so this is just great :D
I'll leave you with one of my favourite pics from the set. I actually do have a lot more to blog about but it'll have to wait, I went swimming after work and I'm really tired. (We have a heatwave on in Australia atm and I'm loving it so so much!)
I love this pic. I have no idea how @exkyu made me look like this. Clearly he is extremely clever. :) Oh, and while I've got you he also shot an awesome set for @ohred which just came out. She's a total babe and another set with @christina who is both smokin' hot and lovely to hang out with. Go team SGAU!!