I think Milli Vanilli got a bad rap.
I mean, they were humiliated and despised because they didn't actually sing on thier record...
But isn't that what Madonna has been doing for the last twenty years?
And personally, I don't think alot of people should be singing on thier albums.
Take Anthony whats-his-name from the Red Hot Chili Peppers for instance.
The music is awful...
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I'd be disconcerted if I spent months hating Milli Vanilli only to discover that I really hated a pair of unphotogenic ex-seamstresses from Oklahoma.
I had to read some dude's screenplay for a film that he is making because I promised that I would.
He swears that he wants my honest opinion but since I like him okay, obviously I will have to lie.
The hardest part will be refraining from telling him how he could improve the dialogue.
And how his idea, while probably in tribute to other...
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take him to go see the 40 yr old virgin
Hey, I think you could deliver some constructive criticism without being so devastating as to reduce your buddy's eyes to socket puddles. In the long run, he'll be happier with a better product.
Here's a friendly reminder:
If you are going to run a homeless man down with your car or stab a hooker to death with a hatchet, be sure to try to make it look sort of spur-of-the-moment so that you have a better chance of getting off on insanity.

You ever get real close to killing yourself, but then stop at the last second because...
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And how do you stab somebody with a hatchet? confused
whack like nickleback
I think it's okay to kill someone as long as you have a good reason.
Not something petty like the guy fucked your wife or maybe murdered your parents or kids or something.
No, it would have to be a really good reason.
Like maybe the guy you want to kill is a real asshole.
That would be sufficient.
Or maybe you just don't like...
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i read it in one day... i got it yesterday and sat there... i cant say dumbledores death made me sad... nigga bitch just kinda took it yo!
Tell someone you love them.
Then tell them you were only kidding.
I've always felt that if you have alot of friends it means that you must be something of an asshole.
Or at least not terribly selective of who you'll hang out with.
Because lets face it.
Most people are assholes.
The world is just full to overflowing with them.
Now if you have ten or twenty or seven friends that you pal around with on...
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can i please put you in my pocket and take you home with me? you can hide under my bed and you can do whatever you want with donnie whalberg.....i wont tell anyone
You ever think about stealing a kid?
You know, one of those kids whose parents let them run fuckin' wild all over the place with no supervision.
Just to teach the parents a lesson.
Or maybe just borrowing somebody's kid.
Just keep 'em for a month or so and teach them to say the filthiest curse words imaginable so that when they get home they're...
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Instead of kidnapping, I often feel compelled to ruin a random person's day. Remember when I wanted to cumslap that one day? That's an example.

Anyway, I think people who let their kids go wild want them to be kidnapped. Most people don't feel okay giving up an 8 year old for adoption, afer all.

I always figured that the disabled were a fine resource for interesting acquaintances. Being old is more or less a disability, so why not try out the deaf (the music rule wouldn't apply, right?) or deformed? Have you ever considered the erotic possibilities a bearded lady provides? Course, for all I know you may very have already gotten yourself some handicapped friends. You could even be handicapped yourself.

I don't know why I'm worried about offending somebody who wants to kidnap mismanaged young ones and watch dudes get flattened.

[Edited on Jun 24, 2005 3:32AM]
"The Donny"??? what does this hot buttered oil slick consist of? please share with me the details.......
I had just written an entry that was a bit down-beat (or as down-beat as I ever get) and then I read some entries by other people that were sad or somber and so now I have to change mine, just to be different.
So instead I will talk about monkeys.
Because there is nothing somber or down-beat about a monkey.
I mean, they throw...
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I think I'd limit my reincarnation to things that die fairly early, so as to avoid the tedium of having to live out numerous lifetimes. Is there a species of highly combustible marsupial I can be reincarnated as, or something? Perhaps a frog that's allergic to its own organs?

And as much as I hate rich, old people, I do kind of hope one of them will marry me and then immediately die. There's something about the whole "paying my dues" part of life that just makes me want to skip it altogether. Maybe it's the work.

u can listen to the transplants album!
You ever have a moment of self-revelation?
You know, maybe you just suddenly and for no real reason, realize something about yourself that maybe is rather obvious but you had never really thought of it before?
I just did.
I just realized how incredibly boring I would be to hang around with.
I don't do anything really.
I just sit around with the cat and...
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There is something terribly, terribly wrong with this country when Oprah Winfrey and Walt Disney are considered "greater Americans" than George Washington or Benjamin Franklin.
Okay, let's stack them up against each other, we'll do Oprah versus Washington and Walt Disney versus Franklin.

1.) Okay, what has Oprah done?
She has a talk show.
A fuckin' talk show.
How does that compare to leading a...
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that makes me sick. especially oprah. if i could, i'd punch her in the face.
Being dead really hasn't helped their careers, and I think that's just the leverage Oprah needed.

[Edited on Jun 12, 2005 9:18AM]
I doubt, that even in the furthest reaches of his deranged imagination, Hitler ever thought he would end up as the butt of so many jokes.
I don't know about you, but at least a fourth of my jokes have Hitler in them somewhere.
It has to be his mustache.
It just lends itself to comedy.

Why is it that all these Suicidegirls have all...
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dude skinhead ROB lost all the weight.. .man i liked him better when he was fat!!

poor jose.......

dude i talked to Tiffany parker last night..

amy cumming came to my party...

and i preached at rich!!!!!!!!!!!

and he got SOOOOOOOO fucking mad
Why are there never any really interesting candidates for the Presidency?
Like Xorlog, Imperial Dictator of the Planet Geezelgrog?
Or maybe a guy that dresses up like a turnip and runs on a platform of vegatable superiority?
When are we gonna see some stuff like this?
God, the 21st century is boring.

Sometimes I read people's comments and when there are a bunch of real...
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new depeche mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Special announcement pending...post date: May 27th, 2005
The band will be making a special announcement on June 16th, at a press conference in Dusseldorf. Stay tuned for more details...
hardcore ray is a fucking metrosexual...

i saw him dancing and smiling and shit and being nice?

the death of hardcore happened and we never got any chance to celebrate. . reread this in hunter thompsons ghost voice.... yeah... rich tried to hump a married woman too.... ummmmmm....

my parents are going out of town...

i am going to dress up like a zombie for the week.... zombie keg stand!!!! wu!