i overslept a little bit and was one pretty groggy twelvis in class. that's what happens when you forget to take your vitamins. or eat. or drink the standard 4 cups of coffee. and play with the best dog ever.
i'm gonna change the photo i think. you can tell i'm blind in one eye. it sucks having only one eye. you can't catch baseballs or shoot a bb gun properly. or see 3D movies. yeah i wish i wasn't born with ambliopia. woe is me. i want some icepops. i think i'll take care of this urgent throbbing biological need to eat an ice pop. RIGHT NOW
i'm gonna change the photo i think. you can tell i'm blind in one eye. it sucks having only one eye. you can't catch baseballs or shoot a bb gun properly. or see 3D movies. yeah i wish i wasn't born with ambliopia. woe is me. i want some icepops. i think i'll take care of this urgent throbbing biological need to eat an ice pop. RIGHT NOW
how did you get a CatBot?
you fucking son of a bitch