Nature's three greatest animals are cats, chimps, and robots. When I get some serious coin together I'm going to buy a kitten, a baby chimp, and a baby robot and have them live together and learn from each other. That way, the cat would learn to be a little chimp and robot-like, and likewise for his brethren. Then I'd train them to be like the reverse Powerpuff Girls-- The cat would charm security guards, the chimp would be the braun of the operation, and the robot would use his robot-skills to open safes and calculate the numbers necessary to execute a perfect pie-throwing at certain illiterate memebers of the executive.
Plus, the robot could change the chimp's diaper and cat's litterbox.
Plus, the robot could change the chimp's diaper and cat's litterbox.
have you read Luc Sante's "Low Life"?
if the robot looked like a wombat, that plan would be perfect. mwahaha