odd i haven't had much to say lately. my neighbor's mom tells me he (the kid is a year younger than me) is going for his doctorate in physics at Smartford university or someplace. and i spend my day putting labels on manilla folders. what the fuck! i'm all angry that i've had such low expectations of myself for so long. yeah, i sound totally concieted. but fuck. why should i work a shitty job the rest of my life becuse i don't believe i can do any better? there's this lawyer at my firm who was blown away by the fact that i was reading walace stegner.
growl grumble bark.
i recommend you all download "bible dreams" by The Wild Swans from kazaa
growl grumble bark.
i recommend you all download "bible dreams" by The Wild Swans from kazaa
what he said
i want cowboy/tumbleweed/highnoon action!!! can i get drunk and shoot guns??? they don't let you do that here in new york. i here you can get guns at walmart down there.