OK, so Tofurkey day proved to be more interesting than I thought or at least what I remember of it. A true moment of pride when you get black out drunk whilst among family and forget what actually transpired. To make matters worse, the hangover lasted the entire next day with the eyes of a proud mother and father seething into my already painful headache.
I did have a great time with Mikey in the kitchen though. Minus a few tense moments, we pulled it off like a charm. Possibly it was the bourbon the not only went into delicious deserts, but warmed the gullet. Who knows what the holiday season has in store?
I did have a great time with Mikey in the kitchen though. Minus a few tense moments, we pulled it off like a charm. Possibly it was the bourbon the not only went into delicious deserts, but warmed the gullet. Who knows what the holiday season has in store?

Have a happy new year.