Salutations Everyone! I'm back and better than ever. Amazing what a few weeks absent of consistent internet connection can do. Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes.
It's been far too long since the last time I updated and so much has transpired. I don't know where to start. Mikael, thanks for such a wonderful time while I was home, Kate had a wonderful time with all of the fam. Les, I trust that you and Mike are having a time back in SL. I know that Mike missed you especially when Emily, Sean, Kate and I were at home.
As for me, I have been piecing together my new house here in Bloomington, IN and starting my last year in my masters program here at IU. However, not to be done with school...the next few months will see me applying to PhD programs in urban and regional planning policy programs. Sounds fun right? On the fun front, thanks to Uncle Sam I might just be purchasing some new electronic camera equipment and if so, pictures should soon start captivating some of life's better moments. I miss you all and look forward to getting a dialogue up and running again. Who says discousrse is sure and watch Gov Arnold tonight at the RNC.
It's been far too long since the last time I updated and so much has transpired. I don't know where to start. Mikael, thanks for such a wonderful time while I was home, Kate had a wonderful time with all of the fam. Les, I trust that you and Mike are having a time back in SL. I know that Mike missed you especially when Emily, Sean, Kate and I were at home.
As for me, I have been piecing together my new house here in Bloomington, IN and starting my last year in my masters program here at IU. However, not to be done with school...the next few months will see me applying to PhD programs in urban and regional planning policy programs. Sounds fun right? On the fun front, thanks to Uncle Sam I might just be purchasing some new electronic camera equipment and if so, pictures should soon start captivating some of life's better moments. I miss you all and look forward to getting a dialogue up and running again. Who says discousrse is sure and watch Gov Arnold tonight at the RNC.

Gosh, you almost sound Republican in your last sentence!!
Free government photography gear??!! How'd ya manage that one?