One more day of the 9-days-in-a-row-working marathon. And I get THREE DAYS OFF!! THREE WHOLE FUCKAMUCKING DAYS!!! Sweet.
Cool! I'm also about worked to death. Hardly ever hit SG anymore.
Ok, I saw "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". My initial reaction...it sucked. I had a hard time not compairing it to the 70's version, which happens to be one of my favoite movies and the movie I've probably watched more times in my life than any other. As I think about it, there were many things I enjoyed about the new version as well.

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I've been working my ass off lately. At work is seems as though it's either flood or drought. I always seem to feel better when we're really busy. I hate it while it's going on, but afterwards I feel the edorphins kick in and feel a sense of accomplishment, even though it's a shitty ass retail job.

I did get into a big argument at...
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I'm currently obsessed with Psychonauts.

I saw Batman Begins yesterday. What a surprise. My friend said he thought it was better than the Burton movies. I can't really say I agree because they're completely different movies. It's like saying Psycho was better than The Wizard of Oz. It just doesn't make sense. Tim Burton's movies were funny and colorful. Batman Begins was dark and...
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But Psycho was better than The Wizard of Oz. wink
So, I caved in from my stance on boycotting Tom Cruise and saw "War of the Worlds" last night. I just had to. Part of me wanted to hate it and part of me really needed to love it, I did neither. It was ok. I thought it captured most of the feel of the book. The special effects were fantastic. I probably should have...
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I know how you mean, about the sleep thing at least.

I'm with you on most of War Of The Worlds, for the most part. Spielberg did a great job of painting a bleak picture, Wells' story had that in spades. It was a clever update.

Have you read Jurassic Park?

HaHa Yeah even though Tom Cruise acts like a douche bag these days I'll probably still go see War of the Worlds.
Sleeping and PMS. I don't think there are two things in life that plague me more.
I love the song choices... and what wonderful and eclectic mixes on your lists of faves....

Wait, are you plagued by lots of each or none of each?

I'm bored so I'm just going to tell you about my boring day. I woke up and had some coffee with french vanilla soy milk creamer (AKA the nectar of the gods!!!) with some scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. I had to go to a meeting at work at 8:30 am at which I learned nothing. Following that I went home and watched two...
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Uhh..... Kinda fucked up!Well I hope that gets better. Later sweets.
Hmmm, are your parents MY parents? :/
Atlantic City is an evil evil place. EVIL!

I can't wait to go back.
I just found out that Cry-Baby AND Toby Tyler are coming out on DVD this year!!!!!!!!! Holy shit! The two movies I've been waiting for forever! I'm so excited!

Toby Tyler was my favorite movie, along with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, when I was a wee little girl and I haven't seen it since then. It made me want to run away from...
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I completely agree with regarding The White Stripes... How others cannot dig this band is utterly baffling to me.
Wow you have the most descriptive profile I have ever seen. With that said, you have very diverse taste in music smile
I like the way The Arcade Fire's "Funeral" seems to move along with the scenery while riding in a car at night.

Maybe it's just me.

no no, see.. the way you're thinking about it is key. if you feel it without trying, then it's true for you. bravo