I just typed out and deleted the same long ass journal entry 3 times. Who the fuck am I trying to impress?
i dont know ... who ?

~ Alien
I have to go to work in ten minutes, but I feel the need to update after that last entry. Sorry if I scared anyone. PMS is a bitch. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I had my second driving lesson yesterday. I'M THE GREATEST DRIVER EVER!!! Who'dve thunk it.

Last night after work I watched two movies. Laws of Attraction and Dogville....
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laws of attraction is still a work in progress .. lol wink

maybe ill fin it maybe non ... too many thoughts spinning around in my head right now biggrin

~ Alien
the real kicker about my car is that it's got 12 thousand original miles on it. it's like new
This will be boring....just some stream of consciousness ranting:

I thought it was gone, forever. Finally out of my system. I went from thinking about it everyday to every week to every month to hardly at all. It was only out of sight out of mind. 5 years later it returned out of fucking nowhere and it's encompassed me again...a year now....and more than before....
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sometimes i think about re-incarnation. . and who my previous life was. . and it changes from . .someone that had nothing , and was able to personally rise above every obstacle in front of them , and had a very enriching , fulfulling, loving life . .to , someone that had everything , and squandered every opportunity to better themselves. .

recently i believe it's the latter. .so , i've put myself in a do or die situation . . (not literally) but financially.

the way i see it. . there's so little caring going around these days . . self-indulgence ain't that bad an option. .

but i live in a dream world . .

where i can't understand , why just being me , isn't enough

I did it!! I finally got off my frightened, procrastinating ass to take driving lessons!

Yup, 23 years old and I've only driven in a parking lot twice.

My first lesson was today. Just about 25 minutes ago. I was a speed demon yo! My instructor kept yelling at me. HA!

I was scared shitless. Turning is not as easy as it looks. Or it...
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yay for you .. and good luck with it smile

i drove up to my sisters place today .. took about 3 hrs .. derek was hung over so ... whatever

first thing i do when i get there was to setup her home network so i can hookup my laptop to it .. oh yeah & pee ..

so my lil sis calls me a big ol doodlehead .. lol biggrin

[Edited on Aug 14, 2004 3:15AM]
HaHaHa Yeah when i first started driving my instructor kept yelling at me too. tongue
Spent most of yesterday watching movies. I'm gonna play movie critic now:

Kill Bill Vol. 2 - Tarantino takes the best aspects of the genres he loves, puts them in his own language and makes movies, reguardless of how long they actually are, that you wish would never end.

House of Sand and Fog - I watched this movie with a friend and as the...
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I wish I was cool enough to get my gallbladder removed... I'm sucha punk...a punk with a damn gallbladder... Uhggg. mad
And now for another installment of random thoughts (part duex):

~ On second thought, it's not really that I can't form strong emotional attachments to people in my life, I just have trouble expressing them and they never get to the point of reaching extreme emotions. The reason I can form those extreme emotions to people that I don't know is I can't really be...
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well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me... blackeyed

but you were still wrong and I was still right so there.

and i didnt mean- I was a rainbow, i just thought about the whole concept and it made sense.

and actually it's across the globe...
HaHaHaHa Fractal and London iceskating together. Now that would make an interesting photoset hehehe. Definitly a sign that you spend way too much time on SG hehe. Although I wish my dreams had SGs in them. love

The reason I can form those extreme emotions to people that I don't know is I can't really be vulnerable to them. They can't hurt me. I can romanticize who they are in my own head.

That's true. I never thought of that before.
And now for another installment of random thoughts:

~ I can form strong emotional attachments to people I don't know, feelings of both extreme love and extreme hatred, but with the actual people in my life I'm an emotional void.

~ Quote of the day: "I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member" - Woody Allen

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"I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member" - Woody Allen

actually that was graucho marks.

i think when angel's fart it comes out a rainbow...

i've left NYC.
i'm half way across the globe now.
Sorry I haven't been responding to the lovely people that leave comments in my journals. I'm a lazy bitch. I will visit all your journals soon and leave boring comments! I swear!

I had a pretty cool weekend. Friday night a good friend of mine threw a party at her house. We drank a lot of booze, smoked a little ganja (which I haven't done...
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im glad you enjoyed it .. im kinda partial to cat myself tongue wink
Re Xmas shopping: I'm such a dork that I do it all year. When I see some item that somebody I know would like, I just buy it and throw it in the closet... then when it's their birthday, or Christmas, or whatever, I just take one from the pile that's earmarked for that person. Sometimes I give people things that I bought years ago and I was just waiting for an occasion to give.
And now for another installment of pretentious profile bullshit:

I've already mentioned how proposterious I think certain unnamed members are with their self-important crock about how TV is for the mindless.

Now I have a new "enemy". It's the unnamed members who write things like, "Fantasy is useless" or "I am living my fantasy" or "I don't fantasize" in the "Fantasy" section of their profile....
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the black house,, sounds twin peaks-ish
hella yea you go girlie fukkin ayy is right on i hate people like that too .. fantasy is the freakn core of where all the good shit comes from . imagination is all about thinkn outa the box .. without it your stuck in nowhere land with all of the other fuckers that have like minds and you be wishn that you can fantasize about something better .. good or bad .. just to be able to get the fuck out [ i said the bad word like 3 fuckin times ... huh ? oops ] lol my bad . im going to go drink my 6th red bull for the nite and play some final fantasy x and go kill some bad guys dead .. cant do that in real life .. can ya ooo aaa
It is of my opinion that the greatest designed space craft in the history of films was in Flight of the Navigator. Small, yes, but the genius was in it's stream-lined minimalistic exterior and an interior that was full of ornate designs and mystery.

The floating steps were fucking bad ass too.


and nothing says hot 80's space ship like one that is entirely chrome!

Know what Im sayin? wink
hiya! thanks for the welcome back wink
how's you been?
i've been in cruise control for the last 6 months
the only difference being, i'm completely out of debt!
of course , someone had to die in order for that to happen. .


but anyways, i can't seem to find the common people journal entries anymore. .
do you know where they are?

as for the perfect movie spaseship. . how 'bout that repo man one?

that was kinda cool. .

see ya'

Since few people read my journal, I think it's safe to post a few things that people do on this site that annoy me. I've been here almost a year and I've been a pretty silent member. But I've been quite an active lurker. I won't point out any names, even though there are specific examples of these people. But....you know....I'm not that brave. Here's...
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Well, I don't really watch TV; however, it's not because I think I'm too good for it, but because I can't control my addiction. If I had cable I'd watch it all the time and never get anything done---I'm like an alcoholic that way, can't even have one drop.

In fact, I was on a little road trip a couple of weeks ago and watched "Elimidate" in my motel room with great enjoyment, so I don't think anybody could consider me an anti-TV snob. tongue

I'm sorry to say I have been accused of being a know-it-all, though. whatever
ur so right about that tv shit .. i steal eh hem har har i mean embellish [ did i speel that right ] im a dork .. my best ideas from watchn tv .. and i do know freakn everything .. being a genus [spell check > add ' i 'please] and all that smart ass shit .. and i dont care what anybody says because theyre wrong .. so there tongue .. woo hoo .. moving pictures with sound .. and in color too shocked yeah im pretty goofy .. proud of it

[Edited on Aug 01, 2004 9:13PM]
I had an unintentionally pretty gay gay pride day. In March my sister bought my mom, her and myself tickets to see Hairspray. The show she got tickets for happened to fall today, on gay pride day. So not only did we get to see Michael Mckean dressed as a woman in a musical, we also got to catch some of the parade, as it...
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Wow that sounds awesome. I've always wanted to see Caberet. $20 for a spanking seems awfully expensive though he he. I wouldn't mind seeing hairspray and a gay pride parade would be either really cool or really scary I think ha ha.

I saw Aida on broadway when I visited NYC a couple of years back. I went with my high school chorus for a competition in NYC and we saw the show on our day off. It was a lot of fun. Good times good times.