A random update:

- I changed my major again. I don't wanna talk about it.

- Some guy told me I support terrorism because I liked Fahrenheit 9/11. People frighten me. Deeply. Terrify.

- I know this may come off cheesy, but I feel no greater joy than when I give a great gift to someone I love. Truth.

- I doubt myself too much....
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you're not sure about lennon?
imagine that!

and the DWARVES are sick?
i'm guessing that;s skateboarding vernacular for cool as hell. .


i'm guessing you're slepping right now, so i closed my eyes and concentrated on sending you "really good vibrations dude" for the last 30 seconds



if you were a boxer
i'd be your cut man. .

have a great weekend!
clay aiken? who are these people, i know thiers millions of then but i've never seen one you should have taken a picture, weird.
I think I may be paranoid schitzophrenic. Or maybe a hypochondriac. Either way, I am mad. And I should get help.
hi crazy person!
you know i could always use someone else on my messenger to 'block' . . tongue
if you ever wanna be able to talk at any given time just let me know! . .
hope your weekend's good. .

True! Nervous, very very dreadfully nervous I was and am...but....why do you think me mad?

I knew this was going to happen. I knew when Fahrenheit 9/11 came out on DVD the scary Bush supporters would do all they can to start arguments at my work. If you don't know already, I work at Blockbuster. It happened the first time a few days ago, some guy asked when Fahrenhype 9/11 was coming out, which is an actual movie, and I...
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- I thought this 80's synth pop thing was just a phase, but here I am, months later, still listening to The Monroes, Erasure and Naked Eyes.

- I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind last night. Despite its concept being based in fantasy, it's the most realistic and honest movie I've ever seen about relationships. The soundtrack is bad ass too. I'm also...
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80s synth will never die. I always 'stop' smoking then restart. Like, I am going to stop after this weekend... Really! whatever

have a nice weekend
Sunday has turned into movie watching day for me, so I'm gonna play reviewer again:

Man on Fire - It's a pretty typical thriller, but a good one. The style was kind of annoying. It was very irradic and MTV-like. It made me kind of queesy for a little while until I got used to it. And Dakota Fanning is friggin creepy. Child actors that...
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cool .. ill check them out smile

glad you had a nice sunday .. i slept thru most of mine eeek

~ Alien
i miss movie days, frown
I drove to work all by meself (well, with a liscenced driver with me ofcourse) for the second time today! This time I actually didn't almost kill us! Last time I turned so wide that I ended up in the wrong lane. Luckily no one was in the lane. tee hee

Update on my '24' addiction. So, I work at blockbuster and I get 5...
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I enjoy 24 as well. It was a great concept, the first year it glued me to the tube, the last two, were so intense I had to tape them so I could fast forward thru the commercials.
ugh , please ignore the *aiden*


even her signature is pretentious . .

anyways. .

hmm. . blockbuster. . i remember when the very first (i'll just call it bb from now on) opened here. .and they ran an add in the local easy-ad (which is free) and it stated . .
" rent 1, and rent 3 free videos with this coupon" !!!
well it was supposed to say . . "rent 1, rent 3 free videos free. . when you start an account from bb"

so, me and my girlfriend at the time. .( this is like in 1989)went to every store imaginable and grabbed all of these free publications, until we had like 100!

and we bb'd it up for about a month!

they balked at first , but when faced with the fact that the add said nothing about an account. . they had no choice. .

and i was perdy loyal to them , until "last temptation of christ" came out , and mr. huizenga and his christian morality refused to carry it. . after that i was all. like later'
but , i'm glad you have a job!

so bb's ok with me!

i'm glad you're having fun. scaring pedestrains and all!

just remember . . check those side and rear view mirrors! and always look 100 yards ahead of you!

btw . i love the surreal life . . vince neil finding religion again because of mc hammer! too much!

corey (what;s his name ) getting married in a pirate outfit!!


vanilla ice doing karaoke!


i dig that show!

see ya

have a great week!

I've recently developed an addiction to the tv show '24'. And by recently I mean yesterday. I'm only up to 7am, season one....I've got 17 hours to go. It grabs you that quick. Take this as a warning if you wish. It's goooood stuff.
Funny coincidence---I was just thinking about renting that show from Netflix, if it's out on DVD. Kiefer Sutherland is great, I just watched Dark City for the first time and it immediately became one of my favorite movies, mostly because of his role as the mad psychologist.
Yeah, I'm really into the "what if reality is really an illusion created by superior beings" theme, but it has to be done well. I have high standards from reading Philip Dick. I'm NOT a big Matrix fan unlike so many people for that reason. But my first impression of Dark City was that it was like The Matrix but done right!
There is nothing on this god forsaken planet that I want more right now than sleeping pills.
statements like that. .

make me wonder. .

does she just need to go to sleep really bad?

or the other thing.

i really like you. .

will you drop me a hello in the next couple a days?

it would make me happy to hear from you. .


i like sleeping pills
Boredom and anxiety calls me to my journal to write some random thoughts:

~ I had zeppoles today for the first time in years. Oh how I love their deep fried, doughy, powdered sugary goodness.

~ I just ashed on my keyboard.

~ I already dropped one of my classes. I'm a lewwwseerrrr.

~ Today I was thinking about the documentary I'm going to make...
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were you at the street fair .. again .. without me? no fair :pouts:

well im goin to the one by me without you then wink

aww babe dont sweat the small stuff will ya ... just fin your film and be done with it .. good luck .. let me know how it goes and if you any need help im a great grip and boom operator i did it as a living for abc news dc for six months as a freelance gig .. fucking pricks wouldnt let handle the camera i excel in that field altho i did a few times when the cameraman was late wink

~ Alien

btw i left the link to cigs on my post take care now and dont smoke so much ... ooo aaa

[Edited on Sep 03, 2004 8:29AM]
I say we go with Big Blue here!

So, summer is almost over and school is beginning again. Though, when you get to working age it doesn't really feel like summer exists anymore anyway. Atleast not in the way it did when you were a kid with no worries or responsibilities.

If I don't have a nervous breakdown this semester it will be a miracle. I got my work schedule for this week...
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never went to school. i just picked it up on my own. editing on a computer isn't very hard at all. if you can use programs like photoshop then you can learn any editing program. i was in the editing field before gay porn. but i kind of made my first editing job. the company i was working for needed marketing videos and would pay tons of money to get them down by outside companies. so i was involved with that, then just decided to make the videos myself. but they didnt want to pay me any money so i moved to the company i am with now.
currently media100i. it's a very fast program to edit with. it does a great job for the style of editing i do at work. allows me to do things that aren't necessarily the "proper" way to edit. but it makes editing much faster. media100i is in the $15,000 range. compared to final cut pro it is a lot more expensive, but compared to avid($50k-$80k) it isnt.

but, we are thinking of switching over to Final Cut Pro HD. i'm currently finishing my last movie that i edited with media100 and my very next movie i'm doing on Final Cut. final cut is fine, i can totally edit my movie, however i can't do it as quickly. but...for the money, final cut pro is a great product. if i had to choose between the two based on cost, i would choose final cut.

so yeah, i use media100 and final cut pro currently. i've never used an avid or anything else worth noting. adobe premiere is absolute crap.
So, I ordered cigarettes online. Seemed like an amazing deal, $12 for a carton. They came in about a week. That was cool. I take them out of the shipping boxes and they're the right cigarettes. All is well. Then I begin smoking one. It tastes strange. Not like my regulars. I knew it was possible that since the cigarettes were manufactured in russia that...
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i love you!
you're the coolest!

i suggest you spend the money and buy the american spirits brand. . i hear the all the additives in the major brands give you the most trouble

even though i smoke camel lights. . but i don't pay for them because i work at @ liquor store!

(but we don't sell american spirits) frown

or i'd steal those


the greatest song ever recorded is ' billie jean' by michael jackson. .

maybe we'll have to fight about it blackeyed

hope you have a nice weekend!
Here I Go Again also has the best video ever! Many a twelve-year-old boy's first tentative erection was begat by the sight of Tawny Kitaen rolling around on top of that Jaguar...
I drank way too much coffee today. I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. Wouldn't be the first. Just like this wouldnt be my first journal update of the day. I think I'm on my 5th now.

Re two entries back: Doesn't everyone still think about their high-school crushes, along with everything else about high school? It's been 15 years since I graduated, and high school still seems to have had made a stronger mark on my personality than anything else before or since. I even started a thread based on a high-school related experience that I can't get out of my mind.

I don't know what this means----I mean, I think most people, emotionally, never really develop much past age 20 at the latest. But does having these memories cluttering up my head mean that I need to work on developing new significant experiences to replace them, or is it just something I should get used to? confused