This past day was pretty dull. I checked out two goodwill stores yet purchased nothing. In the end I pretty much just decided to come home, drink a couple mikes hard crisp apples and watch Kids in the hall : Brain Candy, which actually turned out to be a very good movie. Not many funny lines, but a good movie none the less.
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Saturday Dec 16, 2006
Awesome recent happenings. First off I got to see the sucide girls li… -
Monday Aug 28, 2006
What can be said of PAX '06. Simply put it was the best event I hav… -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
Had a couple of really excellent days these past 3 days. Spent a lot … -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
This past day was pretty dull. I checked out two goodwill stores yet … -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
Well today I finally went ahead and gave my two weeks notice at work.… -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
I have so much animation stuff to catch up on for next week and a ton… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Hectic life. I think I may take some time off. -
Saturday Apr 08, 2006
This morning was really nice, atleast until work came about. Today at… -
Friday Apr 07, 2006
I haven't been getting any sleep the past couple weeks, I think its h…