I have so much animation stuff to catch up on for next week and a ton of writing to do as well. Atleast I am done with my classes for the week, but that just means I will have work.
I need to find a place to live really soon, the lease is up here June 1st. Once I have one I will probably be finding a new job as well. That would be way nice.
I need to find a place to live really soon, the lease is up here June 1st. Once I have one I will probably be finding a new job as well. That would be way nice.
Yeah man stop motion is a complete bastard i had a go ages ago and just ended up twatting the camera and walking out, havnt tried 3d animation is it 3d in the sense of monsters inc and all that stuff if so then nah not my cup of tea dude
Yeah its that kind of 3d and I really cant stand it much at all either. I am a traditional 2d fan, however I do seem to be liking the stop motion stuff as hard as it can be.