I'm glad I went to Thailand, but I don't think I'd go back to the places I visited, unless it was with a big group of my friends. The stuff you did though, looks awesome. You really went to a Muy Thai kickboxing event? That is bad-ass. It's like little leauge over there, because kids are doing it at such an early age. If they came over here they would seriously knock that tee-ball stand the fuck out!
The people were so attentive, though, it kind of made me uncomfortable. Everything was a hard sell. Pushing pushing pushing! Even sex! I didn't hire any prostitutes, but I wasn't paying attention one night and found myself surrounded by a group of bars. I looked up and felt like a piece of meat dropped in a piranah tank. "Come in, come in!" "Uhhh, no thanks."
The people were so attentive, though, it kind of made me uncomfortable. Everything was a hard sell. Pushing pushing pushing! Even sex! I didn't hire any prostitutes, but I wasn't paying attention one night and found myself surrounded by a group of bars. I looked up and felt like a piece of meat dropped in a piranah tank. "Come in, come in!" "Uhhh, no thanks."
And did that guy just comment and your "honess?"