Well, The new blog seems to be coming along nicely...just needs a little tweaking, 'cos I'm still getting used to Wordpress' API...it's much different than something like, say LiveJournal or Blogger.
well, in case anyone cares, I have a new linux Blog on WordPress
Popcorn And Penguins
have a look if you want.
Popcorn And Penguins
have a look if you want.
man, i'm bored...decided to kill some time posting an entry on this journal...Life gets dull when you're a freelancer. You meet some, ahem, INTERESTING people, though... whatever
so, from time to time, I'll post some interesting sites that I find, or lil' bits of photoshop (or GIMP for us penguin-heads) work that I dabble in from time to time.
That said, I think any of...
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so, from time to time, I'll post some interesting sites that I find, or lil' bits of photoshop (or GIMP for us penguin-heads) work that I dabble in from time to time.
That said, I think any of...
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Yeah, So this is my first Journal entry...not sure I'll post much here, seeing as I already have three other blogs I maintain...but I'll try to keep up. 'Till then, you can find me on LiveJournal: My LJ Blog