Well, The new blog seems to be coming along nicely...just needs a little tweaking, 'cos I'm still getting used to Wordpress' API...it's much different than something like, say LiveJournal or Blogger.
well, in case anyone cares, I have a new linux Blog on WordPress
Popcorn And Penguins
have a look if you want.
wow...just found this via TotalFark...
Downhill Skating in Quebec City, Sponsored by Red Bull eeek
man, i'm bored...decided to kill some time posting an entry on this journal...Life gets dull when you're a freelancer. You meet some, ahem, INTERESTING people, though... whatever

so, from time to time, I'll post some interesting sites that I find, or lil' bits of photoshop (or GIMP for us penguin-heads) work that I dabble in from time to time.

That said, I think any of...
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Yeah, So this is my first Journal entry...not sure I'll post much here, seeing as I already have three other blogs I maintain...but I'll try to keep up. 'Till then, you can find me on LiveJournal: My LJ Blog

