I don't understand it. For the past three weeks (minus my vacation), I can't sleep past 1630. It's so fucking annoying because then I'm typically exhausted for work.
Today for example, I had errands to run, got home at 0800, didn't get to sleep until 1300 (I apologise if this isn't the way 24 hr time is done, it's how I was taught), yet sure enough, awake at 1619. Laid in bed for half an hour, with no success. I'm wide afuckingwake. Seriously, what the shit body, Noone was even home to wake you up this time....
Side note edit:
@hildegarde , this is my cat Fluff. What do you think?
Gosh I just saw this post, she's adorable ! It's exactly the SAME CAT and my bf totally agrees. It's impressive. Unfortunately I don't know yet from where Mu's appearance comes from. He looks like an interbreeding between an alley cat and a Main Coon or a Norwegian.