Fuck Stallone
get in the ring
im ready to fight
throw me some punches
left hook
right hook
upper cut
bite off my ear
Picasso had to do it
im begging for blood
begging for bruises
begging for it all
and why do you only want to kiss me?
ill run
ill cheat
ill wrong
im no good
im rocky
im rambo
fuck stallone
tis is no act
just my eyes
sad green eyes
desperate green eyes
et tu brutus?
my back is turned
stab me already
fuck superman
be the batman to my joker
fight me or kill me
just please don't kiss me.
get in the ring
im ready to fight
throw me some punches
left hook
right hook
upper cut
bite off my ear
Picasso had to do it
im begging for blood
begging for bruises
begging for it all
and why do you only want to kiss me?
ill run
ill cheat
ill wrong
im no good
im rocky
im rambo
fuck stallone
tis is no act
just my eyes
sad green eyes
desperate green eyes
et tu brutus?
my back is turned
stab me already
fuck superman
be the batman to my joker
fight me or kill me
just please don't kiss me.
I like it.