have you ever feel so little? and realized that the world is huge and we are like insignificant because we are just particles and atoms from a great creation: the life.
i guess i was just sad. i had to grieve... a lot. i had to hug myself cause no one gave me a hug, i had to understood the times of the earth, that something that happends, everything that happends in your life is just perfect, and it brings a lot of knownledge from the universe.
this is my oracle deck, i use it everytime i want a message, when i think i'm lost, when i'm sad...
i wondered how could i do with my life, with me, with my friends and partners...
'love', that's all.
i can use the power of love to make things lighter, to express myself, i can use it for everything.
and also, change the view of the life in general...
i thing i had understood the message.