I'm stuck. My body may be moving through the day. My feet take me to laundromats and movie theaters but I'm not there. I'm frozen and transfixed. The same scenes play themselves out over and over again in my head and I can not decide what to do. I simply don't know what to do. It may be too late or it may not be, I don't know. She lives one block from me. It feels like miles.
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
PRIZE RESULTS PENDING I need to get a new camera. battery acid le… -
Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
Read More -
Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
I'm off to take yet another exam. didn't really study as much for th… -
Sunday Mar 05, 2006
good weekend. saw an interesting band - dreamland faces - accordia… -
Friday Mar 03, 2006
A sonic nurse, if your wondering, is a nurse that kicks ass like myse… -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
paper finished and handed in - check two tests done and over - check… -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
I was looking around my dad's place the other day and I found in a bo… -
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
The paper has been handed in and now I just need to refine and conden… -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
I've got a ten page page paper due on tuesday and TWO exams on wednes… -
Sunday Feb 19, 2006
it's almost five and I'm still in my pajamas - I'm definetly NOT leav…
thanks for the birthday greeting!