ah!!! this site just gets worse and worse. yet i feel so compelled to keep on checking it in hopes that one day maybe some real people will actually join instead of all the fake ass hipsters pretending that they're different from the status quo. and what's with all these annoying photosets of girls that look about as unique as Martha Stewart on a good...
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you can get them here along with many other sexually satisfying things... I love that website and would recommend them to anyone.

so i finally went ahead and cancelled my SG account. effective October 25.
this site truly sucks. everything about it, but mostly the fact that most of the girls on here are the same snobby bitches that i went to highschool with, only now they have piercings and tattoos.
this site truly sucks. everything about it, but mostly the fact that most of the girls on here are the same snobby bitches that i went to highschool with, only now they have piercings and tattoos.
mine runs out on the 22nd
so yeah, my computer broke. i got it fixed and then my internet broke. so i resolved the situation but getting a new computer (iBook) and a new internet connection (Urban Cableworks) not to mention cable TV and a new 27 inch flat screen. yay me!
hot damn you found me! you win.
so yeah, my computer broke. i got it fixed and then my internet broke. so i resolved the situation but getting a new computer (iBook) and a new internet connection (Urban Cableworks) not to mention cable TV and a new 27 inch flat screen. yay me!
so i think my account here has automatically been renewed, although that was not so much my intention. oh well, it's only a 3 month renewal at a total of $18 but still, i feel as though this account is so useless. i have yet to meet any people with similar interests. i feel as though i have a better chance of meeting people through...
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where do you bartend?
today i went to Lowes (that huge corporate hardware store) to get some things for my new bedroom/dungeon apparrel. my latest "masterpiece" (if you will) is rather multi-faceted, yet rather simple. two eye-hooks drilled into the celing joists, each attached to one bolt action snap hinge and each with a 4-6 foot long 255 pound work strength chrome chain. this new toy, as i said,...
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In my case at least, every peircing I've ever gotten has gotten rather nastily infected. Also if it isn't either real silver or real gold I can't wear it for longer then an hour without my ears (or whatever) itching like crazy. And even if it is real gold or silver it'll still start to itch like crazy if I wear it for longer then 6 hours.
I've tried several different times to get piercings and, except for one little hole in each ear, it has proved most uncomfortable and unsatisfactory.
I've tried several different times to get piercings and, except for one little hole in each ear, it has proved most uncomfortable and unsatisfactory.
Cool pic!


Yes, haiku does rule
strangers post in my journal
haiku makes new friends!
Now it's your turn, write one for me!
strangers post in my journal
haiku makes new friends!
Now it's your turn, write one for me!
so why you say "haikus rule" yo?
i really think Pantera's "Vulgar Display Of Power" is one of the best albums ever and i dare anyone to challenge that claim.

really ?
er. oh ya. heh.
[Edited on Jul 24, 2005 7:55PM]
er. oh ya. heh.
[Edited on Jul 24, 2005 7:55PM]
I cut my hair before my pics
i hate it when the ice cream truck shows up on my street just as i'm naked and ready to get in the bath.

Me too!