I'm sorry but we can't use you for the site at this time. Your set was not what we are looking for right now. We get thousands of applications a month and you are beautiful, just not what we are looking for right now.
*sigh* such is life
Right now I'm stuck using my roomies computer cause shes downloading SFU and it takes like 9 hours.
I will post the set in the morning. Feel free to leave feedback as I got the generic email with no reasons as to why it wasn't acceptable.
I'll take the next 3 months to loose some more weight and come up with another idea.
Again thank you kelly (grlnamedspike) so very much and hopefully the second time will be a charm.
My show also got canceled tonight and I didn't do a single piercing. Boo for crappy days.
*sigh* such is life
Right now I'm stuck using my roomies computer cause shes downloading SFU and it takes like 9 hours.
I will post the set in the morning. Feel free to leave feedback as I got the generic email with no reasons as to why it wasn't acceptable.
I'll take the next 3 months to loose some more weight and come up with another idea.
Again thank you kelly (grlnamedspike) so very much and hopefully the second time will be a charm.
My show also got canceled tonight and I didn't do a single piercing. Boo for crappy days.
They turned down a hottie like you? Fucking bloody hell. So what did you do since the show got cancelled? I hope you just got really fucking trashed. Its the key to staying young babe. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Keep smiling babe, I like you that way.........L8er.........Aj