well today was interestin i saw parts of a movie i didnt see when i saw the movie frist time round hehe
got caught in the rain AGAIN it wasnt heavy but it bloody came down but had a great day oh and ive new pics check me ouuuuuttttttttttttt your checkingggggggggg innnnnnn hehe

Man I can't believe u said the "P" word - ha ha, that's a bridge too far.....I WILL BE CAREFUL!
Please don't call me crazy, you are just dismissing what is charming and endearing about me by labelling me OUT OF MY FUCKING MIND!!!! when you know I am not.
I'll stop doing that, if however you stop giving out to me because I have no patience.
This public argument is getting too public. Everyone will be on my side because I am the greatest and you just are second best...
Later fucktard...
Love, your sister,
Suzette Merashino,
Four names... HA!!!