Hello All the Beauties !!
I've been facing despair and depress lately. Bad Shit were going on all around me. Work, family, business, health, some friends fighting against each other.... Well...
An old tale says "Rien n'est grave, sauf la Mort", which basically means "Nothing is serious, except death".
I tried to use that line everytime and it helped me... somehow..
Fortunately, apart from Sex, SG and my Son, I have soon a new MOTORBIKE !!!

I promised the wonderfull Boobzilla to make a Photoshop nice pic, so here is my task of the week-end !!
See ya beautiful creatures
I've been facing despair and depress lately. Bad Shit were going on all around me. Work, family, business, health, some friends fighting against each other.... Well...
An old tale says "Rien n'est grave, sauf la Mort", which basically means "Nothing is serious, except death".
I tried to use that line everytime and it helped me... somehow..
Fortunately, apart from Sex, SG and my Son, I have soon a new MOTORBIKE !!!

I promised the wonderfull Boobzilla to make a Photoshop nice pic, so here is my task of the week-end !!

See ya beautiful creatures

avec plaisir, merci toi d'avoir accept

Thank you so much for the support on my new set!!