Four months until nothing. Four months since I've been here. : P
Thanks for the welcome. I didn't expect anyone to say anything actually.
Its not bad enough that one of my best friends is going to Iraq this winter, but like one of the only local friends I have left just joined the fucking army! I could kill him! He calls and says.. "I joined the army!" I was like..
"Ohmygod you stupid bastard! I'm going to kick the crap out of you!" : (
Anyway, he leaves next week. And next week, I vote for a new president, so maybe my friends in the military might live to see 30.
Thanks for the welcome. I didn't expect anyone to say anything actually.
Its not bad enough that one of my best friends is going to Iraq this winter, but like one of the only local friends I have left just joined the fucking army! I could kill him! He calls and says.. "I joined the army!" I was like..

Anyway, he leaves next week. And next week, I vote for a new president, so maybe my friends in the military might live to see 30.