Ahhh! I'm SUPPOSED to be seeing The Punisher right now but something is going on at the mall like.. the END OF THE WORLD or something. It looked like a goddamn riot (minus destruction, thank god) at Military Circle. But there were people EVERYWHERE. Cops EVERYWHERE. Traffic EVERYWHERE. I still don't know what the hell was going on. We were a little bit late and they closed the booth and the cops wouldn't let us in.. sighting a "commotion." *grunt* BITCHES. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Don't they know I needed my fix tonight?
*sigh* Ok so if the mall isn't a pile of rubble in the morning I will go tomarrow night.. which means I'll miss Shawn Michaels a'whoopin' aSs. But Frank Castle needs me.. not really.
Hmm.. apparently always going to the last show of the evening is not a fool-proof plan after all...

*sigh* Ok so if the mall isn't a pile of rubble in the morning I will go tomarrow night.. which means I'll miss Shawn Michaels a'whoopin' aSs. But Frank Castle needs me.. not really.
Hmm.. apparently always going to the last show of the evening is not a fool-proof plan after all...

I don't think WebTV is around anymore. And from my brief encounters with it (at my sister's house... not at my own!), the bad far outweighed the good. A laptop with a wireless connection or a really long cord might be able to provide the same sort of thing. (I had another word there, but I just suffered a severe brain fart. I hate those.)
Oh, by the way, did I ever respond to that email? I don't remember. It's been a long week with a lot of long nights.