According to the caller id, we received a call from "Professional Ho" this afternoon. Ms. Ho left a message with a number that we are to call, though I'm not sure if I'm going to take her up on it. After all, there are usually some amateur hos (hoes?) right around the corner, and I'm sure proximity would make up for professionalism to some degree.
I've been reading Breakfast of Champions, which is good craic. I've decided that Tunnel Bob would make a great Vonnegut character. I've also decided that I'd like to be the kind of person who would make a great, or even good, Vonnegut character. So now I have something to work toward.
I've cancelled my subscription to SG, so I'll be booted off in maybe a week or so. I don't know the exact date, so that will give me a surprise to look forward to soon. With this and probably other surprises on the horizon, this may end up being my last journal entry. So I must say farewell, I love you all. Except you and you and you. You three are assholes.
I've been reading Breakfast of Champions, which is good craic. I've decided that Tunnel Bob would make a great Vonnegut character. I've also decided that I'd like to be the kind of person who would make a great, or even good, Vonnegut character. So now I have something to work toward.
I've cancelled my subscription to SG, so I'll be booted off in maybe a week or so. I don't know the exact date, so that will give me a surprise to look forward to soon. With this and probably other surprises on the horizon, this may end up being my last journal entry. So I must say farewell, I love you all. Except you and you and you. You three are assholes.

Well, i actually thought you left a long time ago. But I hope all is well with you, and you'll be missed.