Grrr ... my family sucks
They're already lining up wondering who's getting what if I die. A sister is telling my mother how she needs to see a shrink, and that her son should get this or that. WTF
I'm not dead yet
What the hell happened to get well soon ... I swear my family has the market cornered when it comes to gold diggers
So anyways ... it seems that a couple more relatives are now dead to me. It never occurs to them that bullshit like this is not helping me get better. This is worse than the corporate boardrooms ... I expect them them to line up like wolves, but they know to be carefull of what they say as I may be very ill ... but I'm STILL THE CEO ... and a vengeful one too

talking about what her son deserves to get? gee, did she ever think that maybe her son really deserves to get NOTHING. I know of no one that I can think of that deserves anything! but I digress.
good luck with everything, here's hoping that you get better and get to enjoy some serious karma against those that are waiting for something bad to happen!