I'm not feeling very well tonight ... shit, I have not felt well for a few days. I suffered a sudden bloodpressure drop after having 14 vials of blood drawn for major transplant and tissue type tests ,my bp dropped to 60/27 and I had to spend a couple of hours laying down with a saline IV in my arm while I was seeing stars. I think I'm secretly supporting a homeless family of vampires ... I just wish they would stop by and say hi once in a while. So I guess I'm just going to sit up all night again with my heartbeat pounding in my ears while I wait for the test results. No bp meds or training tonight while I try to recover ... personally I think my anemia is raging due to muscle mass increases during this phase of my training.

feel better soon, love!
I wonder...do they actually stick you with a needle, or have they just put an IV thing in permanently to draw the blood out of?
and how would you react if a homeless family of vampires stopped by and went "Thanks for feeding us!"