Highlights since last post:
1) Clamming (or quahogging as they call it) in Rhode Island. I had a day off in Bristol, Rhode Island and ended up at a bar with the local fisherman who asked if I would be interested in accompanying them to work the next day. I spent most of the day "picking" which means I was just taking out all the clams that were under 1 inch
in width... By the end of the day, I was able to man the "rake" (a small cage with a rake attached to 1 open end) and literally rake the ocean floor for clams. My 1st try I got 50... Never felt so proud. Pretty rad, here are some pictures that I took of pictures that one of the guy's mother took... damn you no scanner

Now I'm in Maui playing pop music for a Charles Schwab convention... I feel like I'm an explorer in a strange land with strange customs... Not bad, just foreign. Had some fun nights with friends. I had was invited to have dinner with the waiter from my 1st night's dinner. He lived on the beach with his wife and son... He was from Lyon, and had once been flown in just to wait on the prince of Morrocco. He was straight from a fairy tale... More on this later... One of the other people working at the restaurant told me that if you go to the beach when it's quiet and dive under and sit still for as long as you can in silence you are able to hear the calls of humpback whales...I went at midnight one evening... It took me 4hrs to hear one, but I heard it. I would have sat there for days... Being in the ocean at night is quite a humbling experience. Such mass. Raw nature, against which you are insignificant.. or just you, which is small but somehow ok. It's ok to be small, life still happens in the small places... And with good friends
I jumped off this cliff today

midnight swim

young love

Volcano sunrise

1) Clamming (or quahogging as they call it) in Rhode Island. I had a day off in Bristol, Rhode Island and ended up at a bar with the local fisherman who asked if I would be interested in accompanying them to work the next day. I spent most of the day "picking" which means I was just taking out all the clams that were under 1 inch
in width... By the end of the day, I was able to man the "rake" (a small cage with a rake attached to 1 open end) and literally rake the ocean floor for clams. My 1st try I got 50... Never felt so proud. Pretty rad, here are some pictures that I took of pictures that one of the guy's mother took... damn you no scanner

Now I'm in Maui playing pop music for a Charles Schwab convention... I feel like I'm an explorer in a strange land with strange customs... Not bad, just foreign. Had some fun nights with friends. I had was invited to have dinner with the waiter from my 1st night's dinner. He lived on the beach with his wife and son... He was from Lyon, and had once been flown in just to wait on the prince of Morrocco. He was straight from a fairy tale... More on this later... One of the other people working at the restaurant told me that if you go to the beach when it's quiet and dive under and sit still for as long as you can in silence you are able to hear the calls of humpback whales...I went at midnight one evening... It took me 4hrs to hear one, but I heard it. I would have sat there for days... Being in the ocean at night is quite a humbling experience. Such mass. Raw nature, against which you are insignificant.. or just you, which is small but somehow ok. It's ok to be small, life still happens in the small places... And with good friends
I jumped off this cliff today

midnight swim

young love

Volcano sunrise