Work is keeping me until 11pm tonight. Speaking to ignorant customers who shout at me for shit I didn't do. What a shite way to spend a Saturday night. Oh well, at least I'm off tomorrow.
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Saturday Mar 27, 2010
Reading some sleep talkin man. Hilarious. Www.sleeptalkinman.blogspot… -
Friday Mar 26, 2010
Bored at work. Laminating is fun for about the first 10 bits if paper… -
Thursday Mar 25, 2010
Seriously thinking about going to bed and it's only 9:20pm. Lovely. … -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
I keep meaning to get the photos taken so I can go up as a hopeful. E… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
FUCK! That's why I've never had any notifcations! I've had a totally … -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
Oh, its bloody gone now. -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
It says I have 2 comments... but I dont have any! Cant work out how t… -
Tuesday Mar 23, 2010
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Monday Sep 21, 2009
Got a new baby kitty. He's 8 weeks and is called Cloud. He was our fr… -
Monday Sep 14, 2009
Turns out Bella cat is Bellamy cat. We've thought for 6 months that h…
I got out of any job where I have to deal with shouty customers. Well, any customers at all in fact. I'm crap in that kind of situation.
Hope your Sunday went better.