EXCLLENT ARTICLE ON THE SUICIDEGIRLS IN TODAYS SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. Well almost excellent. It's the front page of the datebook section. Check it out!!!!
Hello Vixx. Its been awhile. Is it just my work schedule or have they been running two sets a day instead of one? I could be wrong. My sense of time is just all really fucked up right now.
So how are things going babe? You are probably one of the wildest fuckers that I"m aquainted with. What kind of sick shit are you planning in the near future? Anyway, I'll talk to you L8er babe.............Aj
So how are things going babe? You are probably one of the wildest fuckers that I"m aquainted with. What kind of sick shit are you planning in the near future? Anyway, I'll talk to you L8er babe.............Aj