And i gotta tell ya I was more then happy to pass on my crown or ball gag if you will. I'm tired of the Bettie look and long for something a little softer. I had to cut off about two inches of bangs for the contestand I immediatly regretted it. Oh well. I had fun though and so did Eric. I dont think that I will be attending Bagg with the frquency that I used to. There are just so many other parties to attend!! Blah blah. Anyway, theres a pic below so ENJOY!!
And i gotta tell ya I was more then happy to pass on my crown or ball gag if you will. I'm tired of the Bettie look and long for something a little softer. I had to cut off about two inches of bangs for the contestand I immediatly regretted it. Oh well. I had fun though and so did Eric. I dont think that I will be attending Bagg with the frquency that I used to. There are just so many other parties to attend!! Blah blah. Anyway, theres a pic below so ENJOY!!

Ur my kinda bitch!!!!
it really is ridiculous how fine you are.