Allright all of you out in Porn land!! Listen up!! Next Wednesday the 21st Bondage-a-go-go will be hosting their annual BETTIE PAGE LOOK-A- LIKE CONTEST!!!!!! Guess who's gonna enter!!! ME!! YAY!!!! I mean I have to uphold my title dont I? I won last year and it was fun!! I even bought two new corsets just for the contest. So, if you find that you have nothing to occupy your time next Weds and you want to come see some hot women pay homage to the Bondage Queen (and maybe cheer for little ol' me) Then get your ass down to Bodage a--go-go at the Glas Kat in San Francisco. More details later......
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all!!!*
Allright all of you out in Porn land!! Listen up!! Next Wednesday the 21st Bondage-a-go-go will be hosting their annual BETTIE PAGE LOOK-A- LIKE CONTEST!!!!!! Guess who's gonna enter!!! ME!! YAY!!!! I mean I have to uphold my title dont I? I won last year and it was fun!! I even bought two new corsets just for the contest. So, if you find that you have nothing to occupy your time next Weds and you want to come see some hot women pay homage to the Bondage Queen (and maybe cheer for little ol' me) Then get your ass down to Bodage a--go-go at the Glas Kat in San Francisco. More details later......
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all!!!*

Your chances look pretty good for taking the tittle of the Bettie Page Look-A-Like contest!
Good luck...

we want pics!!