So how the hell is eveyone?!?!?!? These past few months have been insane!!!!!! When I left SG life was less then lovely. I had just moved into my own place but was unemployed and broke. I'm still thanking Mom and Dad for helping to keep me afloat during that time. Then OUT OF NOWHERE an old friend appeared. His name is Eric and for a whole year I thought he was dead. Yep dead. But he was not dead. Anyway, long story short, he invited me to BurningMan, in other words would pay for my ticket and all my supplies and get me out there. BurningMan was AMAZING. I am hooked for life. I recommend it to any and everyone. It was at BurningMan that Eric and I fell in love. IT happened during the Temple Burn and we both look at it as a pinnacle, a turning point in our lives. I love him and he loves me and life is soooo good. But I digress......Since then many things have happened but I fear that I have no time to regale all of you with these stories right now. But tune in tommorrow for the next installation of VIXXs amazing adventrues!!!! BWAHAHAHAA!!!!
Higs and sloberry kisses to all

Higs and sloberry kisses to all

Maybe I'll pay a visit to Netflix.
You have no idea how happy I am to see you!
Sorry no membership on me (as I promised), but i've been BROOOOOOOOOOOOOKE!
but godDAMN i'm happy you're back!