Okay people. Sad news. Even though I am finally employed and things are starting to look up I am still lacking funds in many areas. This being one of them. I have overdrawn extensivly from my checking account and now my automated bill pay wont pay for SG. What does this mean? Well looks like no more VIXX after this month. *sniff* So heres your chance to say goodbye or message me for more info. I'm also on myspace and tribe.net.
I actually like tribe a lot more then SG and it's free and there are just as many hot chicks. So, unless there is a knight in shining armour who will come to my rescue and buy me a month of SG, it'll be sianara for now. *sniff again*
*Hugs and slobbery kisses to all*
I actually like tribe a lot more then SG and it's free and there are just as many hot chicks. So, unless there is a knight in shining armour who will come to my rescue and buy me a month of SG, it'll be sianara for now. *sniff again*
*Hugs and slobbery kisses to all*

Well, next time you threaten to leave, I'll come to your rescue...