I still dont like this format. It is too confusing. Damn.
Well I had FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC time in Tahoe. One thing I forgot about faire is the politics. I hang out a lot with one group call the rougue fools. Last week I slept in Hug's tent and this week I slept in Poke's tent. Both time they were both gentlemen and other then snuggling for body heat cause it gets frikkin' cold in tahoe, nothing happened. The next day rolls around and all of a sudden I'm a groupie and I have apparebntly slpet with all of the fools. Dammit. Hug, poke and I spent most of Sun doing damage control. It's not that I wouldnt do Poke or Hug ( I would totally do Poke) but it's that I didnt. Pooh Pooh. Other then that I drummed in a drum circle for the first time and I watched a bunch of hot nekkid chicks dance aroudn the fire. I also got falling down drunk and giggely much to everybodies surprize. AWESOME!
How was your weekend?
Well I had FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC time in Tahoe. One thing I forgot about faire is the politics. I hang out a lot with one group call the rougue fools. Last week I slept in Hug's tent and this week I slept in Poke's tent. Both time they were both gentlemen and other then snuggling for body heat cause it gets frikkin' cold in tahoe, nothing happened. The next day rolls around and all of a sudden I'm a groupie and I have apparebntly slpet with all of the fools. Dammit. Hug, poke and I spent most of Sun doing damage control. It's not that I wouldnt do Poke or Hug ( I would totally do Poke) but it's that I didnt. Pooh Pooh. Other then that I drummed in a drum circle for the first time and I watched a bunch of hot nekkid chicks dance aroudn the fire. I also got falling down drunk and giggely much to everybodies surprize. AWESOME!
How was your weekend?

Apparently not as exciting as yours.