Well if it was the SG Robot that resserected me, it aint gettin a kiss.
In totally unrealted news, I am in Huntington Beach right now, the second stop on my Great Adventure. If you dont know about the Great Adventure, then maybe you should go here www.tuffysgreatadventure.com and read about it cause lord knows if I have to explain it one more time I'm...
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In totally unrealted news, I am in Huntington Beach right now, the second stop on my Great Adventure. If you dont know about the Great Adventure, then maybe you should go here www.tuffysgreatadventure.com and read about it cause lord knows if I have to explain it one more time I'm...
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Holy Shit. I've been resurrected. 3 months of play time on SG. Who has made this magic happen? Who do I have to smooch? Dying to know......
*big hugs and SLOBERRY kisses to just one*
*big hugs and SLOBERRY kisses to just one*

Someone resurrected me as well... A mystery is afoot... I blame the economy AND global warming
SG is losing members pretty quickly "blame it on economics" and are trying to regain interest with 3 free months-Lest thats what other peeps have told me
Well, I havent been on this site for.....well..... along time. So in these rough economic times instead of paying to be a part of a community that I enjoy (though not so much anymore) I will be moving to greener (and by greener I mean free) pastures. If you should want to contact me I'm on Tribe.net : http://people.tribe.net/tuffy.
It's been fun kids. I'll miss...
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It's been fun kids. I'll miss...
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LOST: My ass
When: Saturday Oct. 20th 2007
Last seen: The DNA Lounge
Wearing: Crisp white panties, dark blue jeans
Hi everyone, it seems that I have lost my ass. Apparently I danced it off on Saturday night. Sir Reginald and I went to Dirty at DNA and WOW! We had so much fun!! Evil Breaks was really good!! Those evil twin guys with...
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When: Saturday Oct. 20th 2007
Last seen: The DNA Lounge
Wearing: Crisp white panties, dark blue jeans
Hi everyone, it seems that I have lost my ass. Apparently I danced it off on Saturday night. Sir Reginald and I went to Dirty at DNA and WOW! We had so much fun!! Evil Breaks was really good!! Those evil twin guys with...
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walnut creek
So I found a house!!!! YAY!!!! It's in Oakland, dont worry not that part of Oakland. The house is SOOOO cute! It's a cottage behind a beautiful victorian. There is a beautiful garden in between the houses and the whole place gets stunning light. I move the 1st and I cant wait!
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*

we live like 15 mins apart now (as opposed to an hour before), wooo
we live like 15 mins apart now (as opposed to an hour before), wooo
Oakland??? Curses!
So, I'm gonna be moving my little hiney over to the east bay soon and lemme tell ya, house hunting is no picnic.
In other news, since I havent posted in a while, I have a new job working for an event planning company. I love it so far. The first friday I was there was "fun day". There was a raffle every hour, we...
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In other news, since I havent posted in a while, I have a new job working for an event planning company. I love it so far. The first friday I was there was "fun day". There was a raffle every hour, we...
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awesome news about the job... and welcome to the east bay

Yikes! I havent been on here in a while! I cant lookey when I'm at work and I always forget when I get home. Jeez. I guess I have to update some pics.

Living with your SO is hard. I'm just finding this out. Anyone have some words of encouragement from experience?
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*

If it gets bad, make a list of responsibilities, or come to some kind of agreement. That is about all I've learned.
Vixx is a heart breaker, soul shaker, risk taker and all around sassy lassie who will KILL u with her Pepsodent smile and (very) dangerous curves!
I'm going on a date tonight!!! YAY!!
Got my Fuck Me boots on and I'm ready to go.......
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*
Got my Fuck Me boots on and I'm ready to go.......
*Hugs and sloberry kisses to all*

Wow so it's been a minute since I last wrote to you out there in Pornland. How have you been? I've been busy. Let see, since my berfdai I have gone to New Orleans for Jazz Fest (Fuckin Sweet), Gone to Mendocino for debacherous good times, Done renfaire in Tahoe, done a Pirate fest in Vallejo, Got a new car and Moved in with my...
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not for a while.. going through some lineup changes =\
Great to see you again!