Well I'm sat here drinking another beer and finally my hang over is gone! and then when I got to work and found out what other people did last night and saw the cuts and black eyes I knew it had been a great night. That is to say no one was really that hurt but people fell down the stairs in the culb and...
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What a weekend of high drama! Well it started with going out saturday night for just quite drinks, then one of my so called mate sarts being aright wanker to his girlfriend. It turns out that one night at a BBQ she kiseed on of my other mates and now the whole world is falling apart. What she did may have been wrong but he...
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Well it's one thirty in the moring and i'm just finished work. What a shit day I have had got my job done early and sit round waittinf for the next, five hours god did I need a beer. and now I have it and it's good. as you can geusses i'm new to blogging!! whatever
just joined sg and what can i say so many beautiful women here I'm gob smacked!!!!