Maybe after we're all moved in our new place and the semester is through we'll get out of the city for a long weekend. Just to clean it out of our system. Fresh air will do us good, as they say, clearing our lungs of pot smoke and book dust. Color in our cheeks from the sun we forget is there living in our sheltered world of school and work and our old friends drugs and alcohol. The cases of PBR. The packs of American Spirits. Fifty dollars a week dropped on a coffeetable in exchange for weed. We could forget about it and just split for a while. Purify our souls with a change of scenery.
And then start all over again begging forgiveness for our sins, claiming it can't be helped. Our souls were thoses of artist and were meant to wonder and experience. It was a cheap excuse and we knew it.
edited many hours later to add that I am drunk again and i'm not sure how that happened but it did and I can touch my nose with my tongue, though the two are not directly related. I would take a pic of it for all of you but the batteries are dead in the thing.
And then start all over again begging forgiveness for our sins, claiming it can't be helped. Our souls were thoses of artist and were meant to wonder and experience. It was a cheap excuse and we knew it.
edited many hours later to add that I am drunk again and i'm not sure how that happened but it did and I can touch my nose with my tongue, though the two are not directly related. I would take a pic of it for all of you but the batteries are dead in the thing.
You never know what could happen.....