After nearly a week of sleepless nights Tuesday finally drank half a bottle of the ' you can rest medicine' and was treated to four whole hours of sleep. It might have gone on through the morning had her betrothed's mother not phoned at seven a.m. to scream at him because his brother was in trouble again. (For those of you paying way too much attention to this little corner of cyber-space will remember that Tuesday correctly predicted this event upon her return from the mother land last week). The above mentioned phone call ended a four hour stretch of sleep that spawned a rather unsettling dream where her boyfriend broke up with her because she was 'boring' and demanded that she help him find a new girlfriend, preferably one that was better looking than herself.
Obviously, this did not set the stage for a pleasent day. It took half an hour to get her tired eyes to give in to the enslavement of contact lenses. Tuesday was momentarly unhappy with the cramping of the lower abdominal area she was experiencing but then realized that it was a sure sign she was not carrying the evil phone tyrant's grandchild.
After a short drive in the rain she found herself in her usual spot at a local net cafe where she tried to study for an upcoming exam but decided to read a book about Sylvia Beach instead. Dizzy from not enough food and too many cigarettes she was forced to remain there until the spinning in her head stop.
Upon return to her humble apartment she discovered one of her cats had thrown up under her desk and she'd forgotten to buy groceries.
Tuesday is currently seeking comfort from her friends but not from her neighbors who are very loud and have littered the parking lot with empty boxes of Newports.
Obviously, this did not set the stage for a pleasent day. It took half an hour to get her tired eyes to give in to the enslavement of contact lenses. Tuesday was momentarly unhappy with the cramping of the lower abdominal area she was experiencing but then realized that it was a sure sign she was not carrying the evil phone tyrant's grandchild.
After a short drive in the rain she found herself in her usual spot at a local net cafe where she tried to study for an upcoming exam but decided to read a book about Sylvia Beach instead. Dizzy from not enough food and too many cigarettes she was forced to remain there until the spinning in her head stop.
Upon return to her humble apartment she discovered one of her cats had thrown up under her desk and she'd forgotten to buy groceries.
Tuesday is currently seeking comfort from her friends but not from her neighbors who are very loud and have littered the parking lot with empty boxes of Newports.
I'm so in love with Opahl it's not even funny.
i haven't used that saying in a long time
but it just hit me
i love Heathers
good stuff
i worked with the writer
and now the movie is so much more fun to watch
how are you doing out there