Our new place is starting to feel like home. It took a few days, but now my records are all out and the cats have stopped hiding in my closet. What else could I need, right?
Tomorrow morning I leave for New Orleans. Usually I'm all excited and little-kid-on-xmas-ish on the eve of a trip home. This time I'm kind of nervous about it. Almost dreading it. I don't think there's one reason for it but it's just...everything. There's all the Charlotte things: We just moved, most of the boxes aren't unpacked yet. The semester just started. I really shouldn't be taking a week off work. Then there's all the New Orleans stuff: My cousin is getting shipped out so he's moved his wedding up to this weekend. I hate weddings. And I hate his leaving. My great-grandmother is dying of cancer and isn't in good shape at all. My dad told me she's forgotten all her english. Add in all the move-home guilt trips, why aren't you married yets, are you ever going to graduates, blah, blah, fucking blah. I'm fighting off a cold or something. Everyone I know is sick. I cannot get sick. For one thing, flying when you're sick sucks ass. For another thing, those of you keeping score will remember that when my mom came to visit in October I wa
Tomorrow morning I leave for New Orleans. Usually I'm all excited and little-kid-on-xmas-ish on the eve of a trip home. This time I'm kind of nervous about it. Almost dreading it. I don't think there's one reason for it but it's just...everything. There's all the Charlotte things: We just moved, most of the boxes aren't unpacked yet. The semester just started. I really shouldn't be taking a week off work. Then there's all the New Orleans stuff: My cousin is getting shipped out so he's moved his wedding up to this weekend. I hate weddings. And I hate his leaving. My great-grandmother is dying of cancer and isn't in good shape at all. My dad told me she's forgotten all her english. Add in all the move-home guilt trips, why aren't you married yets, are you ever going to graduates, blah, blah, fucking blah. I'm fighting off a cold or something. Everyone I know is sick. I cannot get sick. For one thing, flying when you're sick sucks ass. For another thing, those of you keeping score will remember that when my mom came to visit in October I wa