Dude. Where do I even start? I had more shit to do over the semester break than all fall semester. I was begging for spring term to start so I could chill out for awhile. But classes started Monday and it's not getting easier.
I did the usual christmas break shit; I housesat for a friend, worked into overtime every week and spent all the money I made doing so on new clothes (funny story behind that, ask me later). My cousin moved his wedding up from July to next week so I had to get a plane ticket and...buy new clothes...anyway somewhere in the middle of all this, my boy decides he's had enough of the shithole apartment we're living in and one afternoon we go look at houses for rent. We ended up signing a lease the next day on the first one we looked at. And we've spent every waking hour for the last two weeks packing and cleaning and buying and telling everyone who askes to live with us to fuck off. But tomorrow is our offical move in date. I'm currently sitting in an apartment that contains only the following: two very pissed off cats, one coffee maker, one bed, one laptop and one skateboard, which I'm sitting on. Tomorrow it's hardwood floors and a big back yard in the coolest neighborhood in Charlotte. Not that that's saying a lot...
So that is what has been keeping me away from all you beautiful people. I love and missed you all.
I did the usual christmas break shit; I housesat for a friend, worked into overtime every week and spent all the money I made doing so on new clothes (funny story behind that, ask me later). My cousin moved his wedding up from July to next week so I had to get a plane ticket and...buy new clothes...anyway somewhere in the middle of all this, my boy decides he's had enough of the shithole apartment we're living in and one afternoon we go look at houses for rent. We ended up signing a lease the next day on the first one we looked at. And we've spent every waking hour for the last two weeks packing and cleaning and buying and telling everyone who askes to live with us to fuck off. But tomorrow is our offical move in date. I'm currently sitting in an apartment that contains only the following: two very pissed off cats, one coffee maker, one bed, one laptop and one skateboard, which I'm sitting on. Tomorrow it's hardwood floors and a big back yard in the coolest neighborhood in Charlotte. Not that that's saying a lot...

So that is what has been keeping me away from all you beautiful people. I love and missed you all.

you know how i feel about skateboards don't ya???