I'm so ready for fall. I'm tired of rain and heat and the sun not going down until after eight. I've found myself even restless for school, for something to do with myself other then sit around dividing my attention between A&E crime shows and the cats. Also on a narcissistic note, I like jackets; hoodies, pea coats, leather, corduroy, it doesn't matter. I take girlish glee in them all. Im sure there is a deeper meaning to that, something about keeping myself hidden, mysterious. Or it could have something to do with my cold nature.
Still, Im ready for the optimism that comes with fall semester, just knowing as I stand in line for a hour to pay hundreds of dollars for giant books Ill never read that this will be the semester I dont get bored. Ive finally found the major I want. Ive finally found a way to mix studious habits in with my extreme laziness. I wont cut class any more. I wont stay out drinking until a few hours before mid-terms. Ill change the oil and rotate the tires. Ill even quit smoking for good. I will be a better person.
But it never happens. It all ends with Halloween, the mardi gras of my collegiate life, all the drink and drugs my body will take in one last fall bash before winter starts taking over. Then the car will argue in the morning and everything will become a drag. School will be lost in all my pot smoking and frivolous spending.
I just wish it could be autumn all the time. Or whatever. I'm really high right now. So I'm chatty. And introspective. And hungry.
Still, Im ready for the optimism that comes with fall semester, just knowing as I stand in line for a hour to pay hundreds of dollars for giant books Ill never read that this will be the semester I dont get bored. Ive finally found the major I want. Ive finally found a way to mix studious habits in with my extreme laziness. I wont cut class any more. I wont stay out drinking until a few hours before mid-terms. Ill change the oil and rotate the tires. Ill even quit smoking for good. I will be a better person.
But it never happens. It all ends with Halloween, the mardi gras of my collegiate life, all the drink and drugs my body will take in one last fall bash before winter starts taking over. Then the car will argue in the morning and everything will become a drag. School will be lost in all my pot smoking and frivolous spending.
I just wish it could be autumn all the time. Or whatever. I'm really high right now. So I'm chatty. And introspective. And hungry.

Hope you're doing good, girl.