Thanks to Hurricane Bill our plans to go home have been put on hold. This whole thing is left me, I don't know what's the word I'm looking's unnerving I suppose. My dad can be a real hard ass some times but I guess that's how he deals with things. My brother came back from Paris this weekend. I went to my dad's to see him and talk about what we were doing as far as grandma goes. She's still hanging on. This is the part of my family that still lives in the swamp and doesn't speak english. So it's pretty much up to my dad and his sister to take care of things. But we have decided on nothing so far. We just sit and wait. Which sucks ass. And he and his girlfriend were fussing (not really fighting, but not really having a grown-up discussion either) about her going with him. I so staying out of that one.
I told my boss that I was leaving town sometime soon. I didn't know exactly when but it was coming. She was cool about it. Which was a shock. But since I'm only working 14-16 hours a week these days, and most everyone else is too, it won't be hard to find someone to pick up my shifts. Best of all possible worlds right?
It's going to work out. I've built up good karma. I'm have to cash it in soon, get a better job, have some fun even.
Thanks for the love. You guys are so awesome I could cry.
I told my boss that I was leaving town sometime soon. I didn't know exactly when but it was coming. She was cool about it. Which was a shock. But since I'm only working 14-16 hours a week these days, and most everyone else is too, it won't be hard to find someone to pick up my shifts. Best of all possible worlds right?
It's going to work out. I've built up good karma. I'm have to cash it in soon, get a better job, have some fun even.
Thanks for the love. You guys are so awesome I could cry.

Hope your weather gets better.