From this window at which I sit these days,
I see a Pear tree weeping with fruit that falls outside of my reach
I see magpies fighting for room in that tree when it could house hundreds
I see wasps looking for last years nest that they will not find
I see flowers in all gardens but ours
I see a child next door that walks but cries without talking
I see a strom breaking.
Yes, mood:
I see a Pear tree weeping with fruit that falls outside of my reach
I see magpies fighting for room in that tree when it could house hundreds
I see wasps looking for last years nest that they will not find
I see flowers in all gardens but ours
I see a child next door that walks but cries without talking
I see a strom breaking.
Yes, mood:

Alright mate whats the desk you got up for sale in a few months?