Too many closed-eyed malignants meander about, fawning over irrelevant details, all detached from any worthy reality. No man of any breed or drama has the right to live like this. You are nothing under our same sun and there are greater things on pins than are bastardized in your philosophy. Give me tiny creatures and I will show you how your greatest of ideals are less than nothing; how your place on earth and judgment beyond it are in jeopardy. Oh, the ear of greatness and rule is all you can profess to have; no substance in your own spirit. You have no right nor place in this age nor any previous, lest you be judged by your feeble and dwindling kindness to other men.
Well I got that off my chest. I miss writing prose and tomorrow we meet a repugnant human being, hence the above soft rant. x
Well I got that off my chest. I miss writing prose and tomorrow we meet a repugnant human being, hence the above soft rant. x
Damn! I have clients those nights this week, trying to save up for a move. How long are you in town for?
Tonight is our last night I'm afraid. Me and my attractive female friend will be attending a big gay karaoke session on 17th tonight. Don't worry, I should have given you more warning but our plans were changing three times every minute. How are you doing anyway?